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Happy reading.
Client Education in Movement Therapy: A Sustainable Solution
A huge part of my role as a Movement Therapist is teaching people about how their body works and the relationships between different areas... Read more
Chronic Pain: A faulty alarm bell?
When acute pain occurs it is often in response to a trauma or event that has occurred to the body... Read more
New Year, New You: Evaluation Before Perspiration
There is a famous quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln, which says “If I had 9 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 6 sharpening the axe.”.. Read more
Tools In The Toolbox: Choosing The Right Option For You
I am very proud to be in my 11th year of being a Personal Trainer. Over the last decade, the most common question I receive is “What do you think of ’x’ for weight loss?”... Read more
New Year, New You: Catch Me If You Can?
As it’s the New Year lots of people will looking to begin some kind of lifestyle overhaul and lose some weight... Read more
Finding the root cause: Reoccurring Knee Pain
Sometimes when we have reoccurring injuries, it’s important to step back and look at the whole picture and the whole athlete, in order to work out what is going on... Read more
Lessons In Weight Loss: Turning the Juggernaut Around
I believe one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is to try and immediately separate themselves from their existing lifestyle; and try to take on a completely new approach... Read more
Case Study: Shoulder Pain
After dealing with the sudden shock of the lockdown, it has been really enjoyable making the switch to sessions through videocall... Read more
Remote Coaching & Movement Therapy
I am proud to offer remote sessions by Skype... Read more
Where is the leak: A modern perspective for pain
Back pain is one of the most common complaints in our society. You might have acute back pain from lifting something awkwardly or from being sat down too long. Or you might have chronic pain that has been troubling you for years... Read more